I am ALL over this concept...'WAR OF THE WORLDS - GOLIATH' which tells the story of the second Martian War with our side using steam powered robots built with back engineered Martian tech to fight a battle with an evil cephalopod enemy. This animated feature is suppose to be ready for release next year. Check out these great production stills and try not to drool. Giant Robots, zeppelin battleships, steampunk tech - what’s not to love. Also check out the Martians - of course they would be all tentacled. For those of you who deny my warnings I have one thing to say - Who is the nutcase now? Nice to see there are some fresh ideas out there. Check out the sites below for more goodness. Thanks to Super Punch for once again finding us GOLD. Anyone who doesn't have that site bookmarked is really missing out. I get so much of my great stuff from that site and am not ashamed to admit it.

"It’s an R rated, retro-history, steam-punk epic set in 1914, fourteen years after the first failed Martian invasion. Mankind has rebuilt her cities and military by adapting a lot of the abandoned Martian technology. They’ve created an international defense force, A.R.E.S., based on the lower end of Manhattan and under the command of Theaodore Roosevelt. They’ve built a formidable force centered around giant, steam-powered battle tripods [such as the sub-titular Goliath]. Think of Band of Brothers meets Star Wars, meets World WO. It will be cool steam-powered battle tripods, doomed Cossack cavalry charges, Victorian decco, steam-punk Manhattan, 1500-foot-long armored battle zeppelins, Teddy Roosevelt, souped up tri-planes, blood on steaming metal, sex in the cockpit… the usual."
1 comment:
This looks brilliant!
Have you seen "Stemaboy"? It's an anime film with a similar (sort of...) concept. Very fun flick.
- Zac
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