Typical bible thumpers trying to make the dinosaurs out to be the bad guys and in league with the devil to explain why they went extinct and were never mentioned in their book of bronze age fairy tales. But wouldn't God have told the writers of the Bible about these magnificent creatures that his son Jebus rode to school each day? And YES I wrote Jebus. He was Jesus' lesser know brother. The one the family doesn't talk about. Don't laugh...I have one of the missionary created Bibles from Africa where they spell JESUS as JEBUS throughout the whole thing. (found on Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr)
Sometimes I have to wonder why so many people in this day and age take so much of the bible literally. I mean, really? An ark filled with animals? PUHLEASE!
DON'T get me started Wings..that whole carnivore/herbivore thing is enough to set me off.
May I suggest any book by James Morrow (Towing Jehovah, etc.) and Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Friend by Christopher Moore.
As for the ark, the real story was told best by Robot Chicken.
Haha is this even real?? Incredible. I think the only people left who take the Bible literally are crazy people, so when they create silly stuff like this it gives the rest of Christians a bad name.
"Robot Chicken" in my earlier comment is a hyperlink. *shakes fist at CSS*
For the truly terrifying, check out the Chick Bible Tracts: the source of all horrible, preachy, bible/jebus comics (http://www.chick.com/catalog/tractlist.asp)
You ever heard of Jesus' brother Craig? Of course not. He's evil, and a disgrace to his family.
Callllll, look Craig up on YouTube. Craig by Stephen Lynch
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