I had the worst dream last night. Suffice it to say it involved a leaky boat and a whale harpoon that was too heavy for me to throw let alone lift. Everyone around me was getting pulled into the sea by the tentacles of the Kraken which appeared all over the ship. For every appendage we chopped off another one grew. Got to be quite redundant and annoying after a time. Then we saw Skull Island in the distance and took a small boat there after watching the Kraken pull our large pirate ship under the water. Kong seemed sympathetic to our plight but just when he was on the beach ready to confront the Kraken and bitch slap it so hard that it would get a speeding ticket going past Hawaii, Godzilla sucker punched him from behind and Kong got pulled down by the aforementioned tentacles. Well at that point I was pissed at Godzilla's betrayal and pretty much sat on the stump of a pineapple tree waiting for the end. I kept asking Godzilla, "What's your damage? What's your damage, mate?" He just did that roar thing he does and made little motions with those stumpy arms of his. What a jerk! Never was I more happy to have Selfish the Cat wake me up for his noms. That's what you get for eating half a loaf of raisin toast before bed and watching old Godzilla movies on CBC Late Night. Now I am all bitchy and cranky like you get when you feel your dreams were alot of work and you never really got a chance to be rested. Even in my dreams I struggle against evil. That has to make ONE of you out there feel good.

Awesome dream!
This has to be, tentacles down, your weirdest post ever.
Where is that t-shirt from? I love it!!!!
Sabs you can find that tshirt at this site - http://www.squidfire.com/index.cfm
Thanks, Cal!! That's awesome!
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