Having followed all the various incarnations of the 'Stargate' franchise on TV I was intrigued to learn more about the new series coming out this fall starring Robert Carlyle and Lou Diamond Phillips. I have to admit that as it gets closer I am getting more exited. I always felt that the best 'concept twist' on 'Star Trek' was when 'Voyager' was stranded 70,000 light years from home. Having each episode revolve around survival while trying to make an impossible journey home is a strong background for any space centered series. 'Stargate Universe' takes that same thread and adds to it an ancient derelict alien ship and a crew who were never intended to travel in space at all. Victim of circumstance have to come together, battle the unknown and each other while trying to get home. This is what great science fiction television in made of. And like 'Voyager' its never really about the destination. Its all about the journey. This trailer looks and feels just right. I plan to give this series wide latitude and am happy to see that the Stargate franchise is still strong. Now lets hope every planet they land on DOESN'T look like British Columbia.
And what is wrong with all planets looking like BC, I ask you? Are we not called "Beautiful British Columbia?"
I know I know..but EVERY planet haveing the exact same plant life. I gotta call BS on that one..LOL
I assume we're alluding to Battlestar Gallactica...right? Well, I thought it was pretty well-done. But I am biased, of course.
No I like Battlestar too...but on the original Stargate SG1 it seemed that every new planet they visited had the same flora as the west coast of Canada. Not their fault...that was where the show was filmed but it was something I noticed right away.
Have you seen the old Doctor Who episodes? Every alien planet looks like the same rock quarry.
I had a problem with Voyager. They couldn't bring the crew home, so you knew every attempt would end in failure. It started to feel like 'Gilligan's Island' in space to me. After 7 years, it really annoyed me.
Hopefully, this new SG series will be better.
AS bad as Voyager and even sometimes my beloved DS9 would be they post ended in kick ass ways. DS the a great last season and space battles galore. Some really nice stuff with the Dominion. Voyager has a very satisfying ending. If you can tell me honestly that you didn't have tear when they shot out front of that Borg ship, seconds before an armada of Earth shits destroys Borg ship...and when Janeway sits in her chare...'Set a course. For Home.' and you can see Earth. THEY FUCKIN DID IT...JANEWAY OF ALL CAPTAINS. She did it. And she did it welded to her Federation Principles. The even convinced a group of renegade terrorists (the Maquis) how to tame their more reckless sides and actually LEARN how to get what they want by diplomacy and education, not death and terrorism. Yeh, I said it.
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