Sunday, October 11, 2009


Who would have ever thought that a year ago I would be blessed with 100 uniquely awesome individuals that follow this blog? Its great validation for me. I know myself that it takes that little bit extra for me to hit the button and follow other blogs. So I give you all my unlimited love and say thank you. Wings should know that even though I beat him to 100 followers the competition still continues. On to 200 and beyond!


Wings1295 said...

Ack! Now the pressure is on once more!

Erick said...

Congratulations! I'm almost there myself. I currently have 96 followers.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It shouldn't be stess Brother Wings..its the ONE thing that is totally out of our control.

Chase March said...

Hi Calvin,

I just checked your details on Google Reader and it lists that you have 130 subscribers.

I have always wondered if followers and subscribers are completely different numbers. If so, you could have over 200 fans who follow you and that's not even counting people who visit your blog directly because they have bookmarked it.

I think those numbers prove that you have a successful blog. Congrats!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks Chase. That makes me feel better to know that. I think I have to stop worrying about things that I can't change.