I wish that TV networks would get it into their minds that the WAY that people watch TV has fundamentally changed. At one time we had to choose between three shows all appearing at the same hour on the same day. If you missed one you were out of luck until the summer when the show was repeated. Then came the VCR which allowed you to tape one show while watching another. Still, this never was taken into account in the ratings. Thus, we started to experience that wonderful feeling of having a great, critically acclaimed show get cancelled while a throwaway piece of crap was allowed to clog up the airways.
Now that a person can download a show or TiVo or DVR it for watching later at the viewer's convenience the traditional ratings 'system' is obsolete. I thought about this when I was reading about the possible loss of my beloved 'Fringe' since its in the most competitive spot of the whole week. So what. I can watch it this weekend on 'Space' or download it and watch it next month. Shouldn't my seeing the show count for something even if I don't have my TV tuned to it at that exact time on Thursday?
When I was a kid I was tagged by the Nielson Rating Company and asked to fill out one of those TV diaries. I did it faithfully and was totally bummed when many of the shows I enjoyed were subsequently cancelled at the end of that year. I felt it was my fault they were gone. I was only 12 at the time but it affected my enjoyment of a medium that I love. There has to be some kind of magical formula for giving a TRUE picture of what we all are watching and loving. Hell we can vote online for 'American Idol' or 'Dancing With the Stars'. Maybe we should get the chance to vote for other shows and let Fox know that 'Fringe' is program worthy of saving.
I did Arbitron radio ratings once. It was a hoot.
They need to dump or revamp the whole ratings system to include everything. Not fair as it stands now.
I agree with you and Wings. It's total BS now.
the reason they only focus on who watches the shows when they orignally air is because of commercials and commercials pay for the shows-- if you use a VCR you fast forward through the commercials, if you TIVO you skip the commercials and if you download then you dont even have to worry about commercials...
there may be a better way to do it but it will still boil down to commercials-- sponsors wont sponsor a show if they think no one is watching their ads... sort of defeats the purpose
but hey, maybe we can lose commercials and everything will have the quality of PBS or BBC...
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