It okay to believe what you believe. I just choose not to believe in this book of golden age fairy tales that is evil at it core. To much damage and hurt to others has been justified with this book. Hate me if you want. I am still the same Kal I was yesterday.
No, we cannot agree. You may not believe in God or Jesus, and there is nothing wrong with that. But I do. I believe very strongly. And I think things like this aren't clever, but mean and hurtful.
Cal: Oops - Our first disagreement! Let's not dwell on it. I still love you, though. -- Mykal
I don't see how it's mean and hurtful, however. It is basically just the truth.
Wings: Do you really not understand how calling The Holy Bible a piece of crap that needs to be burned might be hurtful to one that cherishes the Bible and believes in God? Really? -- Mykal
Just because you don't like it ..you wanna burn it? YET, you would mock others that do the same?
My comment was directed to the writing on the book, not to the headline Cal chose for his post.
Wings: Do you really not understand how calling The Holy Bible A collection of "Fairy Tales" might be hurtful to one that cherishes the Bible and believes in God? Really?
That's an exceptionally cruel and thoughtless view. -- Mykal
fairy tale
A fanciful tale of legendary deeds and creatures, usually intended for children.
A fictitious, highly fanciful story or explanation.
Sorry - it fits. It is my opinion, and I am entitled to it.
How can a book that tells us to "Love your neighbor as yourself", "Do not kill", and "Do unto others as you would have done to you" be considered "evil at its core"???
Wings: Yep, you get an opinion. But that doesn't make it "basically the truth" and it doesn't make it less hurtful, narrow and thoughtless.
Wow. Boom, Just like that - the cave of uncool.
It simply isn't cool to make fun and degrade something that means so much to so many. I don't care how you couch it.
You really have to have more respect for your fellow humans that that.
Goodbye. -- Mykal
I hope you all will judge me from my past and not what I said today. A stand by my beliefs but also need those on the other side of the fence to balance out my views. Hope that I can keep both MyKal and Wings as my brothers.
How can a book that tells us to "Love your neighbor as yourself", "Do not kill", and "Do unto others as you would have done to you" be considered "evil at its core"???.
Because I've read the WHOLE thing. There isn't a shred of morality to be found in it.
It's completely insane from beginning (talking animals and a father being commanded to stab his son to death) to end (commanding acceptance and servitude to a higher power or suffer eternal torture).
By the way, calling it a fairy tale, IS basically the truth, because there isn't a story in the Bible that wasn't cribbed from the thousands of religions that came before it.
It simply isn't cool to make fun and degrade something that means so much to so many. I don't care how you couch it. .
Why not?
The spaceship/volcano/alien story of Scientology is silly.
The golden plates/seer stones/magic underwear story of Mormonism is silly.
Are you familiar with the story of Jehovah's Witnesses? Also silly.
Or the illiterate sheep herder who wrote a holy book and flew away on a winged horse? Islam. Very silly.
Sorry, but the stories in the Bible are no less silly.
Chances are....if your parents had subscribed to one of the "other" theologies, you would be defending them.
Sure, it can sting when a belief is ridiculed, but it's NOT a serious physical or mental assault. If you hold that belief stongly enough, you will laugh it off and move forward.
thanks for your support and dor not drinking the Kool-aid. Love you all.
I think the Bible does have some good messages and has inspired people to do good. However, it's got some unforgivably evil things in there, and those are deal-breakers. It's like, you wouldn't have a child molester over for dinner just because he also preaches about loving his neighbour.
And I don't think this is hurtful. If someone said my favourite TV show was crap and needed to be taken off the air, I wouldn't think it mean or hurtful; it just means we have different tastes in TV shows.
People need to take religion off this special pedestal it's somehow climbed up on.
I acknowledge that people have done horrible things in the name of religion, but if it weren't for the basic Judeo Christian principles I believe in, I would be one bad dude and a plague to society. We may not see eye to eye on this issue but we can still be friends and I will continue to enjoy your blog.
"If you hold that belief stongly enough, you will laugh it off and move forward."
I believe this. But that's only for those who have had the time and strength to get to that point, to everybody else, they question most things.
Ever since religious people lost the power to torture people and burn books at will (in North America, at least) they've been seriously touchy about the subject. I live in a part of America where it's unacceptable to not stand and pray before public meetings. To review: Not showing the proper respect to Jesus can cost me my job. Seriously.
There's a lot of hate bubbling to the surface as Christianity finally begins it's hegemonic demise. Absent the legal power to run people's lives here they've resorted to the hypocrisy that's served them so well these last two millennia: ostracize and then claim persecution.
I'm in full support of the author but burning is to good for it. Mocking the bible into irrelevance is the best tack.
I'm waiting for the movie by Michael Bay, i mean the Bible has to be cooler with cgi and lots of things exploding! :)
I still think that the Gospels are sublime...but then, I grew up with a Bible in which Jesus's words were printed in red. I was imprinted by them as a baby duckling might be by some high-flying creature of the sun.
I should judge not lest I be judged, so I won't. But I have to wonder where such anger comes from that would make you spit out something so deliberately offensive. Could it come from... oh, I don't know....maybe could it be.... SATAN???!!??
You're right. It's a book of fairy tales and metaphors that people have taken literally for far too long.
The only problem I have with this is the part about burning it. Freedom, my friend! Freedom OF and FROM religion, and freedom to read what you like, be it about prophets who eat scrolls because they can't actually read what's on them or to read about muggles and hobbits and a man who turns into a stinking, foul beast with a giant penis and causes a fatwa against his own author!
Lemmy Caution sent me here.... I agree with you. I am attending a short "seminar" on feminist theology....what an eye opener!!!!! What I am learning basically confirms what you say here.... (and I am the daughter of a retired Episcopla minister!!!! Conflicted? Oh yeah, but getting better....)
It is a history book. Period.
Believe or not, I don't believe in burning any books.
I'm late to the party, but I brought matches. ;-)
I knew you would get here eventually and I saved you some cupcakes and Hawaiian Punch.
staying out of this one...
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