The 63-year-old proudly posed for pictures with his attractive daughter as she signed copies of the book, which she says aims to 'let girls know they are not alone with the changes and doubts about their body.'
The revealing novel describes life in the Schwarzenegger family, and chronicles 20 year old Katherine's own body image issues as a teen.
'I had the best relationship with my Mom. I still do. I talk to her four times a day,' she says.
'I also have an amazing relationship with my Dad. I talk to him about boys, about going out, about what I'm interested in, about business.'

Freakin' Kennedy gene pool is so deep it needs a lifeguard. You almost think it was all planned to go this way to develop the two super children. Those damn Austrians. It's the Sound of Music all over again only with human puppets.
Take one bulky Austrian muscle man and mix with a liberal amount of Schrieber/Kennedy DNA and you get two kids genetically equipped and trained to take over the world.
Well played Arnold, well played. It's no coincidence that the first time we see anything really widely released about his and Maria's children it happens on the same day. Bitch, please. This one don't even pass the 'smell test'.
With a walking skeleton for a Mom and an aging Conan the Barbarian for a Dad it's no wonder she has body issues. I mean, who wouldn't goa little snakey when your Dad is the Terminator?
It's a miracle, and really fortunate, how old Rose Kennedy's jaw and hair keep cropping up four generations down the road. What if her kids had taken after bald old Joe Kennedy, who said himself he looked like the butt end of a mule? Might have changed politics completely!
So this twenty year old girl-child of whom even you called a 'wow meow' is going to *help* girls with their body image issues by selling them a book with herself, the daughter of Hollywood 'royalty', plastered on the cover? I feel really sorry for the girls she's helping.
Yeh C.B. me too. But she is pretty right? Thanks for giving me some perspective. This is why women should be in charge. See what a pretty girl does to a man? And since women hate women (serious girls, has a woman ever given you a better haircut than say a gay male?), well, they are distrustful as they should be. It's why I love Tuesdays on the Dr. Phil show. Those 'housewives' he has on his show are a hoot. But they are haters.
You were absolutely correct in your assessment, Kal. She is pretty... therein lies the problem. Know what I mean?
Although, the title of the book is Rock What You've Got... so maybe it isn't as deep as 'changing body image issues' after all, but a manual on conforming to today's standards. A twenty year old child of Hollywood could probably handle that.
What? Me? A hater?
She is totally vacuous and doing a Tiger Beat magazine-light look at body issues is not attacking the right cause of the problem. Her father was part of a media industry that objectifies beauty and unrealistic expectations for 90of both males and females out there. If SHE had issues with not being pretty enough then what hope is there for someone without her genetics for that body type? It's insidious. It's too bad that it takes a long time for a person to come around to appreciating themselves and others for qualities that have nothing to do with appearance.
What he said.
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