I have been reading on many blogs about the growing belief that the true existence of alien life that has visited and still in on our planet is being carefully prepared for release to the general public. Of course governments have know about the real truth for decades but only now feel like they want to share this knowledge with the rest of us.
There is just too much evidence with cell phone cameras and video technology being so readily available but I don't think that is the reason. The governments have refused to confirm anything to the people who are obsessed with this issue, often becoming so after witnessing one of these UFO's themselves. These type of people are easy to isolate and label so that is not it. No group of these believers is large enough to pose a threat to the 'secret'.
That is why I think it's something the governments can't stop from being discovered, like an armada of ships just beyond Jupiter or something that they can't stop from being seens by anyone who just has to look up.
I think I just peed my pants. This moment will be bigger than 9/11 and there WILL be t-shirts.
First of all, the alien conspiracy guys must be going out of their minds. If it is true then a huge "I TOLD YOU SO" will be heard around the world and in the homes where these believers are often viewed as mentally ill by family and friends. I know that I myself would keep to myself the knowledge that I had seen something I couldn't explain.
There is no way of predicting how this news will affect the planet. We could all just be reasonable but that is unlikely. Every scenario from "To Serve Man" to the "Mirror" universe in Star Trek will spread fear and mistrust through a population who don't ever like EACH OTHER because of insignificant things like skin color or language or religious beliefs.
How do you think we will react to beings that are not even FROM here? I do know one thing. If they taste like chicken then they are fucked. We will Kentucky Fry their asses before they knew what hit them.
Plus I think they have more to fear from US than we do from them. We are a most selfish and greedy people. We want what our neighbors have and if they don't hand it over we think it is perfectly reasonable to hit them over the head with a heavy object and just take it.
I know personally that if I see a space ship with an open door or a ray gun on a table at McDonald's then I am going to test them both out myself regardless if the aliens give me their permission.
The other day on NBC they showed footage of what they claimed was an alien craft that moved across the sky at terrific speeds. There have been many sightings around the Lake District of Western Britain and many sightings have been seen around the world at or near water. I think you can see where I am going with this.
7/10ths of this planet is water. As humans we have not explored very deeply at all and the bottom of the ocean is a nice place to chill in your space cruiser without fear of being bothered by us hairless apes.
Another outworldly creature, however, does live at those depths and they have the intelligence and spiteful nature to be just the kind of life that the aliens may have the ability to communicate with. If that is true you those stinkin' cephalopods haven't painted us in a very good light.
I love the way all of this information logically fits into my cute little conspiracy theories. How jazzed to you you think I will be if I find out I was right all along? Like Spock said to Kirk and Bones, I will be 'insufferably pleased with myself for at least a month."
Then of course I will lose my freakin' shit at HAVING been right all along.
I can see me pursuing an 'Earth First' political agenda. I am not proud of that but I want to be honest with everyone. I have see too many movies about probings and alien life hatching out of people's stomachs and being on the some alien's buffet menu. I can't just UNSEE all that and comfortably put embrace these visitors. If the are VISITORS then that means that at some point their VISIT will be over and they will have to move along back home or wherever else they want to go.
Now is it ONE alien species or several that are here? They seem to use basically the same shapes for their ships so maybe they are like their cars and they are tourists coming to the latest cool vacation destination.
We have it all. We have cold and hot, wet and dry, deep oceans and high mountains. We have gambling and prostitution and cultural celebrations and athletic events for them to view and take pictures of for their scrap books back home. I mean we got it all and we are just the greedy grubs to exploit that situation for whatever we can trade for with them.
The possibilities for mischief are making my head want to explode.
Of course there are aliens... billions of them. But probably nothing at all like us and probably they want nothing whatsoever to do with such a violent, destructive species as us. What with the earth being so depleted and all theres not much to interest them here. They will probably just take their octo-co-conspirators and leave
There are no aliens. It's just us. Those gray aliens that abduct people? They're not aliens. They're us. Or rather, they're our children. How else could they keep it a secret. They know who will "out" them because to them it's all happened already. Anyone who tries to speak the truth... well, they can just zip back in time and give them a heart attack before they spill the...
One good thing about xenophobia would hopefully be the end of racism & hatred amongst humankind.
Once we have an enemy who is truly "alien" all our small differences (skin color, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, etc) will pale by comparison.
Not that I want humankind to be represented as xenophobic haters, but I have to look at the positive side :)
You know Tempo that would be the dream. They would have my love if they removed every freaking tentacled creature off this planet. Not that it would improve things for most of us but I know I would sleep better at night and really, isn't it ALL about me anyways?
M.D.?...shit. If they got to him...how long will it be before the find me?
I always said that too Sarah. I hope they do come because it would be ONE thing we all could agree on. Though the bible thumpers would be totally freaked to see that the bullshit they have clung to all these years was in fact, bullshit. But our unification would have to be conditional on the abolishment of religious organizations and that can only be a good thing for us too. Concider it our parting gift to ourselves when the aliens are driven off world.
If aliens are real it will completely ruin our thriving science fiction culture. Think about it. Our scifi tales will look laughable and embarassing in front of the real deal. It'll stop dead.
And when us sci-fi geeks see these aliens on the street we will just shake are heads at them and walk away.
That is too funny and you are right! They can ONLY be a disappointment to us if they are lame. Like looking exactly like us but with only an extra thumb on each hand and NO interesting stories to tell at cocktail parties.
Now a Predator or Alien I can respect because they are at least 'alien' looking and they have a healthy hate for us. It like we can understand were they are coming from. If the three species ever found a way to team up we could jointly rule the universe until the time we would have to turn on them both of THEM because we are Human and we don't share anything with anyone.
I always have a hard time believing in alien abductions, because I am such a sci fi geek. I mean look at the Daleks! Terry Nation took all sorts of time and effort to make something truly inhuman, in short something actually ALIEN! and most abduction "victims" tend to see whatever was big in the movies, little green men, "greys" after close encounters, and always humanoid. of course I will probably crap myself if the aliens are "greys" or look like us only with a goofy prosthetic forehead ridge, but still until the fleet comes I say Nay!
There is no effing way that a couple of my immediate family members aren't aliens....
from Mexico?
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