Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Goosebumps From Seeing This Trailer Again

I make no apologies for loving this movie. It has it all - love, hate, loss, adventure, revenge, joy, sadness, family, loyalty, madness and grief.

No matter how many times I see the fate of Samuel or the return of Tristan I am moved. I have yet to meet anyone who loves this film as much as I do.

If I had to make a choice for my all time favorite films - if you factor in all the variables like (where you were when you first saw it) it's just about as perfect a movie experience as I have ever had and I LOVE the movies.

This was the movie where Brad Pitt went from pretty boy to serious actor in my mind which is an honor I will never bestow on one Mr. Thomas Cruise.

Pitt IS Tristan, the wild middle child who, according to older brother Albert, "broke every rule of god and man" but they all loved him (Tristan) more.

If you haven't seen it you have to promise me you will rent it and give it a try. Better still, watch it with your girl and take advantage of her tears if you can keep your own eyes from becoming moist.

It is a deeply moving theatrical experience.


M. D. Jackson said...

Well, I'll watch it with my girl, but I have a feeling it'll be her who'll end up passing me the kleenex and telling me to "Man up!"

M. D. Jackson said...

...and that is just one of the many reasons why I love her.

Kal said...

What is wrong with you? First you are all chummy with Paladin (who may be reasonable but is a gun nut - check out his site) and then you are all sensitive. Maybe you should put this movie back on the shelf until you are worthy to know of Tristan. And I add LOL because I am actually LOLing.

Nomad said...

Whats wrong with Paladin? So what if he likes guns, girls and steampunk?
I like them also. I like you as well. Different flavours of the world.
Good trailer. I haven't seen this movie but I saw A river runs through it. Liked that one. Fly fishing as art and an expression of natures will.

Kal said...

Paladin showed character when he came back after the pile on he got from us happy clappy liberals so I have to respect him for that. I don't approve oh is gun loving policy but I do approve of his steampunk loving policy. The man is a mess of condradictions and he can join our club if he wants too. (Just know that I am WATCHING him). Girls like you can join too Nomad. That is AFTER you have watched "Legends" and profess your true love for Tristan. Just don't get too attatched to Samuel.

csmith2884 said...

OK a very very good movie,just missed my top 20 for being a bit disjointed after the return of Tristin, and then seeming rushed to finish. If an almost 3 hr movie can be rushed. I so want to be Anthony Hopkins at the climax, that bear coat and side by side double barrel shotgun, laying down what will and won't be on my land. OK re-thinking my top 20, what can get bumped.

Kelly Sedinger said...

One of my favorite movies, ever. I love it dearly, and its score by James Horner is that composer's masterpiece. A fine, fine movie, and terribly underrated, in my view.

Kal said...

TOTALLY underrated. I challenge anyone to not feel like they have been rung through the ringer after becoming so invested in those characters. I love a movie (like Glory which I saw at around the same time) that makes me FEEL something. It rewards you in so many ways for putting in the time to see it.