I can promise you nothing but warm snuggles by a warm fire that will still be needed for those cold summer night. What have you got to lose? That promotion you were hoping for will go to another guy who is related to the boss if you are a female your breasts won't live up to company stardards. Here is the high tundra all that is required from you is a basic understanding of the sixth grade. You can catch up once you get to the iggloo. Sweet seal meat stew, hand chewed moccassins and some of the sweetest lovin this side of the arctic circles. Get your resume's in fast. All serious contestents will get a personal interview. I thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Okay fruitcake what's this all about? You better not be bailing otherwise you're gonna get a stingy slap on the back of the leg...
I'm confused too! What's this about, Kalster?
Whaaaaaaaa--? I'm lost. Are you okay?
"NORTH to Alaska! Go north, the rush is on!" A great old song. And now your theme song apparently?
Based on your comments in the previous post I deduce that what you have given up on is taking a vacation this summer and are instead inviting the world to come to you.
Well, I wasn't going to wait for an invitation, I'd kind of already invited myself over. If I manage to make it to the Cave of Cool in the next 8 weeks we'd have a blast, I'm sure, but I would be slightly disappointed that I wouldn't get to meet your Mom.
Cal, have you been at those Reese's peanutbutter cups again?
If not, please explain. Come down to Tucson if you need a change of scenery. Not many crazy tea-baggers down here, and you've got a room at the inn anytime.
Hey!! Today you will be announced as a winner of the Versatile Blog award. Enjoy!!
Lazarus Lupin
art and review
Hey, Cal! I've awarded you one of those Versatile Blog thingies too!
Like you need any more awards...
P.S. There are no octopi here in Tucson, not even at the zoo, so you'd be safe and so would they.
Can't we have a sand castle instead? I'm afraid that all the red hair dye I'm going to have to keep in stock will have a very short shelf life in the arctic.
I heard there are snowstorms in your part of the country. Is that it? I think so. That's why we left Alberta. July is the only month to count on for okay weather.
Given up? On Women? Vacation? Leaving Canada? What is up butter cup?
You better not leave us, we need you..the world NEEDS YOU!
I know cat ninjas, don't make me send the cat ninjas...
Call in the cat ninjas I need more coolness.
Wait...what? Dude. More than evar now - they're sending a squid into SPACE for chrissakes!
I know blogger is down but I'm now a bit worried about our Canadian friend. Kal if you're out there just say hi. Wanna check you're okay buffy.
Hang in there Cal.
Canada does seem like a cool place to migrate to.....
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