Friday, May 6, 2011

Sorry Mom

"Usually I like playing 'Fluffy Bunny's Day Out' but I gotta admit to you that today I am just phoning in my performance so either take me home or leave me here to die."


TS Hendrik said...

That's the saddest bunny I've ever seen.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Why is his tail on top of his head? Did his Mom put the costume on upside down?

Kal said...

I never even noticed that. I was more concerned with the suffering of the child. Shame on you Debra. That's cold baby.

M. D. Jackson said...

That's a moment that a kid could recover from... unless of course his Mom took a picture and put it on the internet for all sorts of folk to repost and comment on how sad he looks ad infinitum.

Yeah, that kid's gonna need therapy.

Kal said...

It's best to start early if you want the therapy to take hold.