Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thor (2011)

There is really no time sweeter than the summer movie season. I still get that rush from seeing the first over hyped, overstuffed, full of superheroes and hot actresses celluloid adventure of the year because let's be honest, the movie year truly begins in May.

Even since I heard that Kenneth Branaugh (yes, the Shakespeare guy) had taken a keen interest in this character I have secretly had high hopes for this film. I was not one who complained because Heimdall was played by a black actor or that Thor's origin would have nothing to do with the crippled Dr Donald Blake story from the comics - compromises must always be made. I admit it would have been cool to see Dr. Blake bash the walking stick against a rock in frustration only to have it turn into the mythical hammer Mjöllnir, but again, I can live without that happening. There were so many other things that this movie gets right.

I still tingled to hear Anthony Hopkins bellow those immortal words, "I CAST YOU OUT!!". Truly no actor in the history of cinema plays kingly authority like he does. Let's be honest too, he is never more fun than when he plays a grumpy or annoyed character.

Asgard as a set piece is truly magnificent. THIS is how gods live and spend their days. One can forgive Thor for being a bratty youth. After all, he gets to be drunk and violent with no real consequences for indulging himself in every way a young god would like too. However, you can only push your father so far before it's time to learn a little bit of humility. Where else but Earth and among us weak and pitiful mortals can the lesson best be learned?

So it's among our flawed but noble and brave (and hot) humans that Thor finds himself mixed up with. Coincidentally they live is a isolated desert town that is perfect to be destroyed by whatever town destroying creature that happens to come along. I knew that place was history seconds after I was introduced to it. Just enough cars to fly into other cars or buildings.

Natalie Portman is her same cute and brave self but Kat Dennings is more than adorable as the truth telling comic relief. She moves the story along at points where one might have the urge to say 'WTF'?

Comic book stories really need a character like this to get the audience to immediately buy into all the fantastic elements inherent to the story they are trying to tell. Kat is the shorthand that links all the scenes together and meshes the real with the fantastic. As an actress, Kat plays this character just about as well as I have ever seen it done. If there was any question that she had the talent to go with her looks, they have been dispelled.

Chris Hemsworth is very good as Thor, the Prince and Asgardian God Of Thunder. He has the bad boy grin that annoys the men who expect better of him but is irresistible to the woman in the audience who will adore him. When he takes up the mantle of responsibility we guys start liking him because he is finally acting the hero he was meant to be and the girls just love him more because he becomes the man they were all hoping he would turn into. We see a real arc in the character's development from callow, spoiled youth, to responsible king-in waiting. It's a nice storytelling and directing tweek that places 'Thor' ahead of other superhero movies of recent years.

I also really enjoyed that Thor's signature weapon, the magical hammer Mjöllnir - which Odin describes as "forged in the heart of a dying star, it's power has no equal. A weapon to destroy or a tool to build. It is a fit companion for a king." - gets as much attention as it should. It is the symbol of Thor's godhood and worthiness to lead the world of Asgard. Seeing it used in battle is as thrilling as I always thought it would be. I have similar hopes to enjoy watching Captain America toss his shield at his enemies.

Many things have survived virtually untouched from the early comic book. The Destroyer is the unstoppable automaton who Thor can't defeat by brute strength alone. Thor's allies (Sif and the Warrior's Three) are strong supporting characters and enemies like Loki and the Frost Giants are his equals if not betters. I can't say enough about the perfect casting in all of the supporting roles.

You would expect a 'trickster' such as 'Loki' (Tom Hiddleston) to be a moustache twirling villain but this God of Mischief is subtle in his manipulations of events. That makes him twice as dangerous because no one sees him coming until it's too late for anyone to stop him. Remember that it's the quality of the villain that truly defines the hero.

This is one of the tent pole movies that is supposed to prep us all for the 'Avengers' movie that is coming out next summer. In that role it totally succeeds. It is as exciting a fantasy adventure that I have seen in many a year. Even at the rare length of 2 hours and 24 minutes, the movie doesn't drag for a second.

Knowing and liking the character as well as I do, you could be forgiven for believing that the filmmakers could only disappoint me. If anything they renewed my love for the live action superhero movies. This is one of the best parts of my childhood (comic book heroes) done right. Any point I could take off my grading would just get added back as I celebrate this fine summer blockbuster. Go see it and please take a young fan boy or fan girl to share the experience with. They will always thank you for it.



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I am so there tomorrow!!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, you certainly gave it a much better review than the Globe and Mail did. I'm inclined to accept your opinion over theirs, though.

Tim Knight said...

Great review of a great film!

Kal said...

Typical review from a movie prig who will never like this kind of movie, Debra. As a person who watches most everything worth watching I loved this film. Critics he are predesposed to hate movies because of their subject matter are out of touch. This got an 85% from Rotten Tomatoes. My review and that number is all you really need to know.

DrGoat said...

I want that hammer, Cal. I can't wait to see this movie!

Mike D. said...

I couldn't agree more Kal... when you read a negative review of a comic book movie that says things like " was unrealistic" or "to much frantic action" I often take a step back and wonder "ISNT THAT THE POINT OF A COMIC BOOK MOVIE!!!!". This was a great one. And how good was that after the credits scene??? WOWSERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Katie said...

I just got back and, having absolutely no knowledge of the story, I though it was really fun. Some of it was cheesy but meh, who cares. It was exciting and a good looking guy took his shirt off.