Sunday, November 6, 2011

Double Damn Damn, Girlfriend

My advice to her. Look good and be happy. It will drive him crazy to know what he's lost. Bizarre this story is. If you had asked me what was next with these two, '30 Second Baby' would not even be in my top five.

I gotta hand it to my girl though. She is handling this like a princess who has had her prince assassinated would act. Total class. Now if only someone would REALLY take out da Bieber, all this madness could end.

It all almost seems made up with all the 'timed' stories like the 'Titanic' movie date and now this 'scandal'.

I am SHOCKED that a young musician like Justin would take advantage of a groupie backstage at one of his 'shows'. Where is the parental supervision? Who had the van signed out for that night?

Do these handlers not know that all the pussy in the world will be mystically attracted to da Bieber since he was anointed the chosen one? So knowing this, they must take it upon themselves to protect him from this evil force. Once that she beast gets a hold of him, the gravy train is over for you. Don't fuck it up for everyone by getting sloppy and somewhere someone got sloppy.

I also thought groupies only hung out with musicians. This story gives sluts and puck bunnies everywhere a bad name.

Is Bieber really a 'musician'? Are the little song and dance routines he and his 'crew' do? - basically the same stuff that Shirley Temple and Bill Bojangles Robinson were doing 90 years ago? Aren't they more like skits put to music since no one actually is playing their own instruments? Don't tell me their voices are 'instruments' because that is all auto tuned these days.

As for the dancing - torretts syndrome and a reduction in their ADHD medications - creating the perfect hip/hop/pop/lock/teen/bop/dancing robot.

Now for Selena I recommend she does a song, acoustic, with her playing the guitar. A Spanish love song that can be entirely in Spanish for my liking. Just a passionate guitar song with a MEXICAN rhythm about a girl who loves a boy.

Something like this - only for a girl.

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