Tuesday, November 8, 2011

She's A Born Saleskitty And Entertainer


Daisy said...

That cat is out of the bag now!

peter said...

So nice..!
Cool Math

Punk Chopsticks said...

LMAO!!!! The poor thing! It looks so uncomfortable but I can't seem to stop laughing xDDDD (Just goes to show how messed up we humans are)

oh yeah and in response to your previous comment
@Cal: (Answering on behalf of my brother) LOL I know right! And he's such a sweety x) I'm trying to let him know that chick isn't worth your time but seriously....one second he's fed up, and then the minute his heart starts getting better again, he just dives right back in. Can you say knocking your head against a brick wall? Man!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Well it's the only way he will learn. If he get's his heart crushed a few times he will learn to protect it.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Well it's the only way he will learn. If he get's his heart crushed a few times he will learn to protect it.