Monday, March 5, 2012

Canada Is Most Smartest

Did you see this coming? It seems, Canada, that we can boast the most educated population in the world. Now, in true diplomatic Canadian fashion, we know you won't go blustering or showboating around about it. But rest contented in knowing that of all the OECD countries, half of the country's adult population has a post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma. A breakdown from Statistics Canada, meanwhile, provides a more up-to-date, clearer picture: in 2010, 52 per cent of Canadians aged 15 and over had a post-secondary education. And more women — 71 per cent — than men — 65 per cent — aged 25 to 44 had completed their university or college education. And like we said, while we know book smart doesn't necessarily equate to street or life smart, the pursuit of higher education and knowledge in general can never be a bad thing. As long as the system allows for it ...


M. D. Jackson said...

To quote XTC: we're the smartest monkeys.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Monkeys always are making plans for Nigel too. Did I get the group right?