Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's Not Real But It Should Be

French art director Pascal Witaszek psyches the Internet with a massive tease of a teaser poster for a not-quite-real Walt Disney biopic starring Hollywood “It” guy Ryan Gosling.


Wings1295 said...

I'd watch it!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Great poster!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

ARGH! You Tease Me!

It is a bit odd though, seeing the Disney Logo for a Walt Disney biopic. Seems like you wouldn't be able to pull any punches with an image based market as a handicap, and yet if any other studio tried this, they'd have Disney either looking over their shoulders and probably demand a giant royalty fee.

Mitchell Craig said...

Disney is long overdue to give their namesake founder his due on the big screen.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It would be so much of a puff piece that we would never get the real 'frozen head nazi loving genius' story. But Disney has never been one NOT to toot it's own horn and there is a good story there.