Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This solves MOST of my problems with eating in the car but I can imagine that ketchup cup would get pretty funky after a few hot days. Now they have to put ketchup in the same square container that the honey mustard sauce comes in. This could be the first great innovation of the millenium. It's the little things that often mean the most.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I can't tell you how many problems this would have solved during the "eat-on-the-go" days of my childhood.

Kal said...

How did I not think of this while waiting in the drive-thru line? How many great ideas are on the edge of my brain?

Kelly Sedinger said...

The chief problem here is that lots of places just toss the fries in the bag, so you get lots of loose fries in'd have to corral your fries before using the gizmo. But it's a worthy idea!

Kal said...

We can jiggle with the concept but the idea is solid.