Sunday, September 16, 2012

Resident Evil - Retribution

Does a movie have to make sense in order for it to be enjoyable? Not if it's a Resident Evil movie it doesn't and I wouldn't have it any other way. I can watch Mila Jovovich spin and jump and kill all day long. It's amazing how great she looks after five movies in the series.

In the fifth installment of the action/horror franchise, the Umbrella Corporation's into legions of the flesh eating Undead. The human race's last and only hope, Alice (Milla Jovovich), awakens in the heart of Umbrella's most clandestine operations facility and unveils more of her mysterious past as she delves further into the complex. Without a safe haven, Alice continues to hunt those responsible for the outbreak; a chase that takes her from Tokyo to New York, Washington, D.C. and Moscow, culminating in a mind-blowing revelation that will force her to rethink everything that she once thought to be true. Aided by newfound allies and familiar friends, Alice must fight to survive long enough to escape a hostile world on the brink of oblivion. The countdown has begun.

Visually the movie looks terrific, especially in 3D. I enjoy the way director Paul W. Anderson throws everything he can at the screen hoping that something will stick. It's all one huge mind fuck and as goofy as you'd hope it would be. Several times I held my breath and just waited for things to calm down again.


Anonymous said...

but who is more attractive: MIlla, or Julia "Jill Valentine" Voth? They're apparently bosom buddies now.

Kal said...

Milla of course. I try not to look too close at the plot of these movies. It hurts my enjoyment of the film.

Mike D. said...

I agree ALICE is ACES in my book

Kal said...

She is just so cool to watch in action that I forget how stupid and full of plot holes each movie is. No one else can get away with that with me but Milla always can.

Dr. Theda said...

Cool images there..... I took a few years commercial art and advertising design... and I really like the way that "Umbrella Corp." symbol is incorporated into the over-all design of some of these....Cool

Kal said...

Stinkin' evil Umbrella Corporation. More evil than Kodak and we know what happen to Kodak.