Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days Of Halloween - What I Fear



Thank you Brother May for your long standing '(blank) Hates Cephalopods' feature. It's what drew me to his Adventureblog in the first place. Michael indulges my hate and fear of the octopus.

What do you fear the most?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Moths. Cephalopods are sissy wimps beside moths.

Kal said...

Yes, because Moths will drag you to your death in the ocean. Keep that yard light out.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I've got a think about being in crowds. Being surrounded is the same as being suffocated to me.

Kal said...

That one I share with you. I hate crowds...and too much selection like at the Superstore. It's like the PRODUCTS are crowding me. See - Octopus can't REALLY get to me..but too many choices for salad dressing? That will lay me low.

DrGoat said...

It's been proven that too many choices will mess you up. Makes you indecisive and the best choice gets lost among the too many crappy choices.

Kal said...

And all of the dressings are just variations on the hated RANCH.

Wings1295 said...

Shiver me timbers!!!

profsafety said...

I love that Popeye got to bust one of those buggers up!