Wednesday, January 14, 2015

True Detective - Episode Four And Five

"Time is a flat circle."

First of all, don't get me started on the multitude of laws that were broken in the latest episode just to get a name. I never saw these boys as being so desperate, especially not desperate enough to throw in with the boys they rolled with this time. I was riveted to everything going on. I wanted everything to slow down so that Rust could tell me just what the HELL he is thinking doing what he did. And  Woody, well he's just useless right now. He's just baggage and baggage has a way of getting people killed. I know our two boys live to see the future but who else will be sacrificed along the way? And that is what Dora Lang was, A sacrifice.

Damn, that opening again.  I love that song.

Louisiana looks like a shit hole through the lens of this program. Nothing is clean or nice or even covered with paint. I blame the humidity.

Watching Mattew react to NOT getting what he wants is just as interesting as seeing him get what he wants. His performance is all coiled with death and danger and as they fall deeper down the rabbit hole.

Call it in boys. This situation at the cookhouse is not good. Just call it IN!

Why are they lying about the gunfight at the cookhouse?? Why?? That doesn't make any sense. They rehearsed their story to give themselves probable cause. The story can be disproven by the absence of gun shells all over the property...freshly shot shells. What the hell?

HA HA...okay...Rust took care of that. Brilliant. Fuckin' brilliant. But this isn't really the end, is it?

Now you aged the girls on me too? Let me say that the use of time in this program should be compulsory education for all screenwriters. It's so vital but at the time absolutely seemless. I am never lost for more than a couple of seconds when the time shift happens.


Jordan said...

Just couldn't stop after #4, could you? I don't blame you.

The sheer amount of story and action in #4 is so dizzying that I had to consult an episode guide to confirm that I was remembering correctly and that all that stuff really does happen in just one hour of film. The entire sequence from the hospital ("She's disgusting; you're disgusting") through to that already-legendary long, long take during the botched robbery is just spellbinding. The entire Cohle plot at the roadhouse is so incredibly dangerous, wild, controlled and engrossing. The moment when he's compelled to snort the coke and then has to repeat his fake story is so suspenseful...but he manages to do it.

And then #5. You're right; the presentation of passing time is masterful. And, well...the story's not over, is it?

I'm greatly enjoying your commentary.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I had to laugh when you mentioned looking up a review of the episode. I could NOT have watched this as a weekly show. I would be on all the message boards. I too am glad I found this one.

Jordan said...

I just went to the (staid) Wikipedia ep guide because I don't want to accidentally blurt something out that you haven't seen yet. I was pretty sure I had the sequence straight in my head and knew where you were based on your description, but I wanted to double check.

You're seeing what I mean about the aerial footage of the car, right? Deeper and deeper into the vast landscape, personally, criminologically and philosophically...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's like they are drifting further and further away from us and their own humanity. Choices and decisions are so much easier when you stop giving a shit and just want to punish the world because you were born into it.

I think a lot and that is what drove Rust crazy. All that thinkin isn't good for a man.