Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I Will Have Them All

Action Doll - $19.99
Action Figure - $9.99
Super Hero High School - $49.99
I will not rest until I have the entire set.



Barbecue17 said...

I must own both Batgirl figures. Very, very cool!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

And all the others for me. I must be a completest on this line of toys. I owe it to my collection. This is the real prize this year along with all the Wonder Woman stuff. And even Rey is back. Good times for the female action figure collector.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

And I don't need a hundredth version of Batman or Superman.

Michael Lynn P. said...

I'm so freaking out over this! When will they be in stores? I haven't been able to find any info about that. I am with you, I plan on collecting everything. So freakin excited for this line. Now if only Hasbro would get with the program and do something similar with the females from Marvel. I want a Dazzler and Polaris figure.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I have already budgeting for the complete set the mintute it gets on one of the big sights like entertainment earch or BIG BAD TOY STORE...I can't wait to pre-order so that I insure I don't have to chase all over the continent to find them. Let's promise to keep each other informed.

If this is successful, Marvel will do the exact same thing. Scarlet Witch, Black Widdow, Dazzler, ect....Storm, Invisible Girl, She Hulk.

Michael Lynn P. said...

I am all about keeping each other informed over this line. I don't want to miss a bit of it.

As for Marvel, I am a fan of everyone you mentioned. It would be perfect. I am just so giddy and excited for this line! It's just perfect.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I want a Dazzler with her shiny disco jumpsuit, roller skates snd disco ball that shines and makes her sparkle.