Thursday, January 21, 2016

If You Remember Then You Are My People



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I had it even worse than being a child of the 70s -- I was a teenager of the (early) 70s! GAH!

DrGoat said...

Me too. I was 20 in 1970. We didn't have VCRs, and we
didn't really care who shot JR. Too stoned at the time anyway.
Did have a beautiful turquoise rotary phone.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Ewww, you both still have the stink of the 60s on ya. Now me, by the late 70s I had my pink princess phone with my own number, my 13 inch black and white tv with 13 channels, my beta VCR, and my game of pong...which also had hockey when you used two paddles. And my room was in the cool basement. I was stylin. I didn't even mention my turntable, speakers and vinyl collection....bitches.

j-swin said...

One side, pops! I was a kid in the 80's and had all the best stuff...super Mario brothers, pudding pops, ninja turtles, Leah Thompson, Tim Burton's Batman, cool ranch Doritos and let's not forget Empire and Jedi, the best two out of the trilogy.

j-swin said...

HOLY CRAP!!! I forgot to tell you I scored ANOTHER 6" black series Rey at Walmart! My luck's changing!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

oH...90S BOY...I had those same things too. It was my treasures that you were devoid of enjoying. I saw Empire IN THE THEATRE and JEDI was our trip for Senior Skip Day. My whole grad class drove to Edmonton to see it.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh and I hope your Rey melts in the hot sun. If only to make the OTHER FREAKIN ONE that you have more valuable.

ya bastard