Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Starcrash Production Art

Production art for the no-so spectacular film Starcrash (1978) by Luigi Cozzi. Too bad the movie didn’t look so good compared to the art.



I love this film for the craptacular classic that it is. Some Italian millionaire set out to make his own version of Star Wars in the late 70s and damn if he didn't do just that. He just didn't do it very well.


j-swin said...

So this gets green lit but jodorowsky's dune gets swept under the rug and is only talked about in whispers? There is no justice.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yeh but no one can ever mess up Jodorowsky's DUNE. It's perfect in the mind. Like Firefly. People want more but I say no. They would just ruin it. Things come and go for a reason and Starcrash should have went but didn't. I am fascinated by the story behind how this abomination got made.

Fiendenstein said...

I met Caroline Munroe, she was really genuinely super nice. She took time to talk to my daughter, then sign some stuff for us. She signed a book for me as she does the foreword in it, even though she wasn't meant to (there's certain rules about what to sign and what not to sign and who gets a cut of what at these comicon things).

But she was awesome, she also said I was a "cool looking Dad", which pretty much made my day. My friend (who's book she did the foreword for) knows her and speaks very highly of her, she's pure class.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

What a great story. It's so awesome when your idols turn out to be as cool as you always thought they were. They never realize how much those few seconds with them means to a real fan. She was the one when I was a kid. They showed us Golden Voyage of Sinbad on the base every two months or so and I mostly went to see her after the fifth time. I love that movie.