Wednesday, January 20, 2016

We Needed This Comedy Boost

Palin Endorsement Widens Trump’s Lead Among Idiots



Debra She Who Seeks said...

They were made for each other.

DrGoat said...

Saw this this morning on the news. Actually made me
laugh, which is saying a lot for 6am and on my way to work.
The republican party is seriously circling the drain if
this is what they have to offer....along with those other
demented candidates.


Sarah and Donald - A blogging buffet!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

People say I should not rut down in the pig slop with this one. They say it's too easy a target for my wit. They say it's like shooting fish in the frying pan..but I say NO to them. I will wallow. Like a pig I will wallow and enjoy each sweet uncomfortable moment to come. You can't write shit this good. This is a Mexican telenovela on steroids. Of course this is also how the world ends but, meh, what are you gonna do?