Thursday, July 21, 2016

Climate Inaction Figures

So you’re anti-reality and anti-human-driven climate change, but you can’t find any way to get your kids to listen to you about it? I have just what you need: antiheroes for the age of anti-science.
Presenting Climate Inaction Figures! Seven of the most oil-fueled deniers of science, ready to take up arms and fight against the experts, bad mouth good data, and confuse the public with verbal legerdemain!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hilarious! "State government sold separately."

DrGoat said...

I made myself watch about 10 minutes of the Republican convention last night. I don't think I heard one truthful statement come out of their collective mouths. It boggles the mind. Too bad there isn't a law against lying. Hillary is going to "abolish the second amendment and take everybody's guns". Been hearing this for 20 years. They'll be a rush on guns and ammo again. The higher ups in the NRA are laughing all the way to the bank. They all are invested in the companies that manufacture the same. And I grew up in Arizona and started shooting at a young age...own guns and can use them. The NRA when I grew up actually was a good organization that encouraged gun safety etc. Never saw a horror movie that was as scary as what I saw last night on TV. Hillary Clinton would not have been my choice but compared to the GOP, it's no choice. OK, that's my rant for the month.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Well written. It's insane all the evil special interests that run your country. I wish the GOP would be part of the solution and not the problem themselves just for political gain.

DrGoat said...

It's all so bloody frustrating. Let's go backwards instead of forwards.
I'm going to the Dairy Queen and drown my frustration with a hot fudge sundae or something. Maybe go to the movies. Have a champion weekend old bean.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I always go half cherry half chocolate and that way you get more topping for your sundae. It's my DQ tradition.

Rob R said...
