Man, just when I think that the US version of Big Brother had nothing to offer me this season - the evile cabal of Chima, Lydia, and Natalie lost their freakin minds when they got the screwgie from Jeff who played his cards at the exact right moment to evict strong player Jessie - the muscle head. (Including last year that is twice for Jessie. Ouch. Gotta hurt.) All three of those girls did nothing to advance the cause of women by looking crazy and melodramatic and petty and bitchy. They all acted like entitled brats. Now I know that guys have their own ways of being annoying but this kind of behavior seems to be unique to women who live together or spend alot of time in each other's company. As a teacher the only thing I fear in the classroom is a jr high girl who feels entitled and who has to ability to get all her girlfriends to either hate some other girl because a boy likes the other girl better or to hate a boy who doesn't go along with the program. They are vicious and cruel and you can actually sense them morphing into one terrifying creature. Guys seem to let sleeping dogs lie but like Elain said on Seinfeld - 'women just tease each other till someone develops an eating disorder'. Now I know you are saying that I am full of it for saying that but despite repeated pleas from their ally Kevin to just chill a moment (and ladies...trust the gay man in your life when he gives you advice - because gay men love women) they all went collectively off their nut at the same time much like women who live together in a dorm situation often do. You all know what I am referring too. So instead of fighting to stay and exact revenge on her rivals as is the whole fun of the game, Chima acted like a brat, an entitled diva bitch and got the boot from the producers. Now her friends and allies are at a disadvantage because she couldn't just follow the rules. Nice. America loves you Chima.
And how about Jeff...what a 'mensch'. He purposely threw the 'Head of Household' competition so that his beloved and sweet Jordan could get the power and especially the letter from home that he knew meant the world to her. THAT is a man. He cares more for her than the money and I hope they get to live happily ever after. They are a great match. I want to see Jordan win the whole thing but I am afraid that she is not ruthless enough to make the kill when she needs too. I know if the final two are her and Jeff that he will give it all to her and wouldn't that be a nice story for our times.
Oh and one more thing. Usually the worse thing that can happen to a person is to be evicted from the Big Brother House. Lydia, while drunk, screamed at Jeff to evict her this week and she would never get his vote at the final. He said the best thing in response. Instead of saying she was going home he said, "Screw that. You're staying. You are never getting out of this place." Classic and karma. Just the way I like my 'reality' shows.
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