You gotta know that I am not a fan of Britain's only matador who at 65 is trying to mount a comeback. I only can wish well for the bull. Nothing I enjoy more than seeing a guy in his fancy pants get owned by a bull who has essentially been killed already before this poof gets in the ring. Try your act with a bull fresh out of the pasture if you are so tough. Hell, even Ferdinand would crush you (why oh why couldn't you JUST LET HIM SNIFF THE FLOWERS???). Guys who get drunk and run ahead of the bull's at Pamploma every year have more balls than all the matador's throughout history ever had. They make Zorro look bad and that earns them my special scorn. I think once one of your injuries includes 'gored anus' its time to hang up the cape and call it a day. You gotta love the stoner vibe Ferdinand has in this cartoon. Classic. And is their anything funnier than an indignant bee?

I detest bull 'fighting.'
Bullfighting is the worst. I hate that Hemmingway loved it, but he did not always paint a glowing picture either.
Charo has a video on her website which is anti-bullfighting. I can't get there from here, but it is on charo.com.
Bull fighting and running of the bulls are two of the most sadistic and barbaric "sports" to have ever existed. Doing either makes you a very weak and insecure man.
Shame on the participants and they should realize that there are more humane versions of these activities where a bull is NOT tortured and run to the brink of exhastion.
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