Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Keith Gets It Right

I know I don't have a dog in this fight since I live in the glorious bastion of socialism that is the 'Great White Tundra' but I suffer all the same for my American brothers and sisters. I have said before that I think it is a crime that they have to deal with greedy insurance companies that do nothing but enrich themselves at the expense of sick people. Never should there be a profit motive when the health of an individual is at stake. That is just common sense that we here in Canada understand at our core. There are some truly evil people down south who care only for the political hay they can make out of this whole issue. Unfortunately it seems that the loud and ignorant will get their way while the cabal that doesn't want what is best or even good for the majority laughs their asses off all the way to the bank or the halls of power. I wish a POX on any politician that takes money from the insurance industry while doing their utmost to gum up the machinery of change. This commentary by Keith Oberman is long but he 'gets' exactly what is at stake and where the blame for the confusion and lynch mob mentality of the debate is centered. May we all be influenced by the 'better angels of our nature'. Oh and while I am at it...FUCK YOU Sarah Palin. You are a retard.


Dr. Monkey said...

My man crush on Keith knows no bounds.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You will have to fight me for him.

Ricky Shambles said...

And while you fight I shall take the advantage!

Thanks for posting this.

Calvin's Nuggets of Wisdom said...

Amen Keith.