Now you TOO can be the most interesting person you know. Copy and answer these on your own blog. I know I will be reading them.
1. First thing you wash in the shower? meat and two veg
2. What color is your favorite hoodie? black like my cold cold heart
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Oh yes, she was delicious
4. Do you plan outfits? Like the Queen of England
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Moody - like Tristan
6. Whats the closest thing to you that’s red? My Car, Cory
7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? Tom Cruise had a meeting with me to be in my 'Hello Kitty' movie.
8. Did you meet anybody new today? With my rigorous screening process? Are you kidding?
9. What are you craving right now? Caramel and chocolate
10. Do you floss? Religiously - nothing better than picking the beef jerky out from between your teeth.
11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? My Baba and her cabbage rolls
12. Are you emotional? I cry like a little girl during the 'Grinch Who Stole Christmas'.
13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? Once, to try to fall asleep. Didn't work.
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? both baby
15. Do you like your hair? I got a beautiful head for the shorn look
16. Do you like yourself? More than I should. No empirical evidence to back up my analysis
17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?. Only if he were on the menu.
18.What are you listening to right now? One of my amazing mixes
19. Are your parents strict? Actually on the outside yes, but on the inside they indulged my every whim and obsession
20. Would you go sky diving? Been there, done that.
21. Do you like cottage cheese? Once went out in -70 weather on Baffin Island to get some for my salad. What do you think?
23. Do you rent movies often? I can download all I need.
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in? Just me.
25. How many countries have you visited? More than I can count. The real question how many I have not visited.
26. Have you made a prank phone call? Always in the days before they could see who was calling them.
27. Ever been on a train? EuroRail pass...great thing
28. Brown or white eggs? either
29. Do you have a cellphone? I prefer to work off the grid. Makes it easier to do my job as a Time Lord. Plus they give you brain cancer or testicular cancer.
30. Do you use chap stick? Just on my butt
32. Can you use chop sticks? Like a ninja
33. Who are you going to be with tonight? Myself and all my various identities and demons
34. Are you too forgiving? Perpetually, habitually
35. Ever been in love? Everyday
36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? I don't know I have no real friends. All my friends are online.
37. Ever have cream puffs? I am one
38. Last time you cried? Daily
39. What was the last question you were asked? You want fries with that?
40. Favorite time of the year? Winter
41. Do you have any tattoos? Nope.
42. Are you sarcastic? Habitually
43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? I live my life by that movie.
44. Ever walked into a wall? yes...when I likey the drinky to muchy
45. Favorite color? Blue
46. Have you ever slapped someone? Only when she was a REALLY bad girl.
47. Is your hair curly? only on my back
48. What was the last CD you bought? I download so, Garbage 2.0 five years ago.
49. Do looks matter? Being unique and interesting is far far more important. Though I do like a nice ass/thigh combination
50. Could you ever forgive a cheater? I would take the blame on myself for driving them to it.
51. Is your phone bill sky high? Nope..same every month
52. Do you like your life right now? You know, all things being equal. Yeh. I am master of my own identity and destiny.
53. Do you sleep with the TV on? It can be turned off?
54. Can you handle the truth? Who's truth?
55. Do you have good vision? no, glasses
56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? I can kill many many evil people but, like on 'Dexter', all of them are bad so they have it coming.
57. How often do you talk on the phone? It is rare.
58. The last person you held hands with? I can't remember and that is SAD!
59. What are you wearing? Superhero suit with cape. I KNOW..capes are bad news. They get caught in everything...but you can't beat them for sheer visual effect.
60.What is your favorite animal? The noble domesticated house cat
61. Where was your default picture taken at? That is classified.In fact, I have said too much already?
62. Can you hula hoop? These hips don't lie bitches.
63. Do you have a job? I am paid by many associates for many reasons - but the ladies get the lovin' for free. Just the way I roll baby.
64. What was the most recent thing you bought? Action figures
65. Have you ever crawled through a window? Only to escape
66. When was the last time you’ve been to church? Years. I hate the evils of organized religion. They will never get me in their clutches. If one burns down I have an alibi...really.
67. What’s your least favorite meal? I wouldn't eat it if I didn't like the food.
68. Did you ever steal anything by mistake? By mistake...never by 'mistake'.
69. Have you ever won anything? A Pepsi mini-fridge.
Thanks for this. I always enjoy reading these things because you learn such interesting stuff. I'll probably take it up, too.
Tried. So many of these don't apply. I did have an interesting answer to Question One, though--the shower curtain! That thing gets filthy!
I had a go -
Thanks for the inspiration!
- Zac
OK, my list is up.
I could see you in a cape. Not so much with the chapstick on your ass though.
By the way, there's an award for you on my blog. Enjoy!!
Thank you for the amusement...I need a larf today.
LOL M'kay I'll do it! Interesting information... I think I know too much. Some things I just didn't need to know. XD
And congrats on the award from Cora!
I love memes. I have stolen yours and will be posted as my Sunday Meme. Aren't these so insightful...I just like everyone to know how really warped my mind is...or can be.
You are one interesting, dude, Calvin.
Nice cat.
I can tell it's got personality.
I love these - mine is up!
Haha, excellent set of answers.
I've never paid attentions to what I wash first in the shower. I kinda wanna shower again just to find out.
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