Everything is finally okay in the world. 'Project Runway' is back. Tim Gunn is still suave and elegant - though, did he really have to tell me that the sewing room had sewing machines? His mentoring of ex-drug addict Johnny who feels the pressure is sincere and shows Tim's true value to this program. He demonstrates what every great teacher (which he was for 26 years) knows - that its how you connect individually with each student that allows their true gifts to come to light. If you can help a student find what they are good at and love to do you have given them insight into themselves that is priceless and life changing. Why else would you be there?
The designers are the nice mix of catty and crazy which you know is how I like my high strung fashion thoroughbreds. Heidi is her Teutonic magnificence though I do miss New York as the setting. However, the person who suggested that Lindsay Lohan with her cold, dead eyes should be a part of anything recorded on digital tape needs to be taken out back and shot. Girl is looking ROUGH. What a waste of what once could be mistaken for a person. There is just something missing from this pathetic creature that you almost want to euthanize for pity sake. I imagine her, however, living to be an old bitter crank who for circus reasons still fascinates a segment of the population who like to see what you get in exchange for your soul when you make that deal with the devil.
I hate to start getting all 'judgie' with the designers but MALVIN has got to go. That is SUCH a made up name and frankly I am offended. Its like the lame rhymes a kid would make about you on the playground. ("Calvin the Malvin") What is WRONG with you? (see what I did there?) And that thing on his head needs a trim or a dose of truth. It distract me and makes me want to take a shovel to it lest it injure him further. Ah that's the feeling I remember this show brings out in me. Like rare wine I savour my inner bitch. See THIS is the stuff people just avoid commenting about. Too funny. When you start making yourself laugh its not a good thing...right?
Oh and those of you have have been wondering...what is my dream challenge? Superhero/Supervillian couture of course.

Words cannot express my desire for Heidi. And if I was gay, I'd be all up in Tim Gunn's well dressed shit. I agree, Malvin stinks but no one really popped out at me like they have in seasons past. I'll give it a week or three to see what happens before I start backing anyone really heavy.
I totally agree with you on everything you said. Tim Gunn is like the gay version of the 'most interesting man in the world'. He was a hoot on the 'Daily Show' last week. I am glad you are watching this too so I have someone to follow it with.
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