I wish they had given the head the look of Antonio because he is the image of Zorro I now have in my head from the movies but this guy looks pretty good regardless. One of my favorite characters of all time (Now where is a detailed 12 inch PHANTOM figure?) he was the inspiration for Batman who fought for the poor of Old Mexico against the villainous DON RAFAEL (who also needs his own companion figure so I can make the two of them fight each other before I go for a nice tub - the only guys that get wet are the GI JOE scuba guys fighting the giant octopus)
Yeah. Cool figure but without the mask he looks more like Kevin Kline or Freddie Mercury then he does Antonio Banderas.
They said Timothy Dalton on the webpage.
When I picture zorro, I still see the face of Guy Williams, but then again, I'm old...
Did Dalton ever play Zorro? I'm so out of the loop.
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