What was it that made you go? Did you stumble over to me and drunk-follow and then wake up with follower's remorse? To physically take the time to remove yourself is INTENT - most people would just lazily leave things as they are. I bet you are part of that Muslim/Kenyan/Socialist five pin bowling league that is currently snubbing me. I can tell you that they got me all wrong.
They just made room for another follower :0)
It always makes me wonder if I offended someone when I see my follower count drop. It is true that it takes effort to un-follow a blog, so it's even more painful. The good news-you've got hundreds of people who love the Cave.
Yeh, but you know how this follower thing can make me crazy at times. I was so close to 250 I could taste it.
It always stings, from LJ to tumblr it just never feels good to lose a follower.
Losing one follower means you are down by 0.4%.
If I were to lose one follower I would be down by 5.9%.
I hope that puts it into some kind of perspective.
It does. You can do math. WITCH! WITCH!
Burning your followers at the stake could have something to do with it, but if we let math doers slide by.. anarchy I say.
Got to tighten the grip somewhere and if people can just be winning arguements with math all willy nilly then we gots us just more problems.
You might not have lost a Follower. Sometimes people just switch from being a "public" Follower to the "private" option.
So they are embarassed to be seen on my blog then. How many others are there like that? OMG now I got another follower issue to stress over. Blogging is a sick sick heartache I tell ya.
Justo to make you more nervous:
I've noticed that you have at least one follower with two different profiles (that means your count has dropped an additional -1).
they come and they go...
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