Oh Jud. You is dumb as a stump. I have doubts you will be alive the first morning. I just have this vision of him going into the jungle for a pee and being dragged away by the first tribe of monkeys that he meets because you just know they will see him as their king.
I also have this really strong feeling that Eve on the older tribe will go very far in the game. She just seems to have that inner strength that you need unlike Wendy Jo who seemed as fragile as tissue paper. And her pointing out her positives at tribal council just reeked of desperation.
I wonder how things will go when the challenges get very physical. That golden medallion will be so important for the older tribe when they really need to challenge the youngsters. I just hope none of the challenges makes them have to fight against each other. That kind of challenge always worries me. Someone is going to break a hip.

Wendy should have taken her own advice and kept her lip buttoned...
I know. Pathetic. There is no room for weakness in Survivor and she was socially weak so she had to go.
Jimmy Johnson is already playing the mind game.
I'm rooting for the old folks, since i seem to be old now. lol
Should be interesting!!! I liked the way Jimmy started out already too. My money is on the older crowd..
I'm rooting for the older tribe, but I will be laughing at "fabio" as long as he's alive
Fabio will go missing. Taking off his shoes in the jungle? The boy is jaguar bait. Maybe next he will eat some strange berries he doesn't recognize.
What the hell was wrong with that stupid blabbermouth!
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