This a first edition of DUNE which I would die to have for the cover alone. It would look so good as the cover got more tattered around the edges from constant reading of the story. This was published in the year I was born and is as precious and sacred to me as books like the Harry Potter books are to other people. When I connect with people (Sarah) who KNOW what I mean when I refer to 'gom jabar', Bene Gesserat' or 'Fremen' I instantly like them. It's like we have a shared 'spice' experience and I am not talking about the girl music group.
so tell me what you want, what you really, really want.
Excellent book. This is on my books read twice list and will likely be read again.
What do you call the mouse shadow on the second moon?
"Well call that one Muad'Dib"
There is a 'look' that is given by one of the Fremen guys in the background of that scene from the movie that totally sold that mythical moment for me. How cool to be a Fremen in that place and meeting their God for the first time? Nice move with the Paul's education Jessica. He asked the ONE right question at the exactly perfect time that full filled the destiny of a people. Sure it doesn't really get any better for them as time goes on in the sequels but boy, to be Fremen in those early days. Must have been thrilling.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful cover! I've never seen it.
I would LOVE to own a first edition of Dune or other Herbert books.
Maybe someday when I'm rich I'll buy some...until then, I will wait like the Fremen did for their messiah.
"Your sietch name will be Usul, the strength of the base of the pillar"
Thanks for all the Dune talk lately. Got me all hyped to watch the SyFy version again today.
"Usul has called a big one. Again, it is the legend!"
The actual first edition of Dune was printed by Chilton (the publishers of the car repair manuals) because the world being what it is Mr. Herbert couldn't get anyone else to publish it. I have one sitting on my bookshelf (unfortunately without the dust jacket) that I bought at a thrift store for fifty cents.
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