I would love a whole series of literary posters in this style for my classroom featuring the works of famous authors that we are studying.
In fact I would also make this an assignment in short stories. Get the kids to create their own one-sheets of their favorite collection of stories on the computer.
It would be fascinating to see how each kid's individuality would be represented in the projects they turned in. What images would they choose to go which each story? Did they use clip art or photographs? What font did they choose for the lettering? Is the design cluttered or minimalist and does that work for the piece?
I would take the best ones to the copy shop and print them out poster sized not only for my walls but as examples to the next group of kids who do the assignment. I could also give a copy of their poster to the best five to hang on their walls at home. Validation, inspiration.
Fuck I miss teaching some days.
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