It seem that this weekend, while everyone was enjoying the Royal Wedding, the Americans finally put down the mad dog of the dessert - Osama Bin Laden. Not a bad accomplishment after 10 years of searching,
I wonder if the US will have the body stuffed and put on display in the Smithsonian, much in the same what that the former President Bush made a display out of Saddam Hussein's pistols.
Sure the boogie man is dead and we can get back to a more rational way of dealing with national security, right? We can until the next devil incarnate is brought forward to scare us and force us to institute harsher procedures that further suppress our freedoms. All this ever reaction seems to play right into our fears and in tern make us our own worst enemies.
Now that the middle eastern haters of the west finally have their martyr, I wonder if their terrorist activities will ramp up or slow down? I think we both know the answer to that question, at least in the short term.
I say "good riddance" as well. Although his body will not be stuffed or displayed. He sleeps with the fishes now. Perhaps a giant octopus is feeding on him even as we speak. That will increase their evilness proportionately, Cal, so be on guard.
I'm not so sure it's a good notice (it's never good news when a leader -good or bad- is murdered instead of brought to be judged).
I hope his dead is irrelevant in the fight against terrorism and not the begining of a new intifada or holy war.
if the Americans had actually killed Osama Bin Laden, if there was a body, a photograph of that dead body would be on every television screen, and on the front page of ever paper, in the world.
Thanks for the snap back Joe Bloke. What you say is exatly correct. They would being showing his dead face on every tv show (cartoons included). I hope this is the real thing for all ous us. My tolerance for being lied to is pretty much as the edge.
That's my question. Is it a confirmed kill? Until I hear it from the Marines, the jury's still out.
You know that he HAS to be dead because Obama has a lot to lose if someone screwed up.I read that they had familiar DNA ready to go for comparison so it seem legit. I hate living in a world where we can't even truth the truth anymore.
Maybe Osama is dead, but this whole thing reeks of cover-up to me. The word "justice" is being bandied about, but this wasn't justice, more like summary execution. Was there no possibility of bringing him in alive to stand trial? Or would that have shown a lack of evidence, or worse, the fact that US intelligence had been warned prior to 9/11 and hadn't acted? Whatever, everything is so stage-managed that we will probably never know...
It's does seem pretty neat and convenience now tht I think about it. Quickie burial at sea? I am sure a lot of conspiracy theories will come out of this one. Plus I want to know more about Pakistani involvement in all this too. He seemed to live in a protected compound for at least the last year. None of this doesn't pass the sniff test.
I have absolutely no doubt at all that he's dead, none what-so-ever, but I believe he's been dead for a long time now. however, to have admitted that he was dead would have negated the USA/UK's excuse for being in Afghanistan and Iraq in the first place. now, however, everyone will be able to proudly declare " job done " and get themselves out of those countries, with no loss of face.
thereby clearing the decks for. . .wait for it. . .yay! Libya!
maybe I'm being paranoid. I probably am. but that doesn't mean I'm not right.
and, despite it's whining efforts to convince us otherwise, Pakistan is, and always has been, a supporter of Islamic Fundamentalist terrorism.
News Flash: 6 Irishmen have drowned dancing on Osama's grave.
Osama Binladen ...World hide and go seek champion 2001-2011
Ok, first of all, Debra you're a genius! "Swimming with the fishes",ha! How did I not think of that? Hilarious! =)
Now, for the serious stuff. I also believe that Osama is dead. I mean, can you imagine how embarrassing it will be for the Americans and everyone else if he wasn't? All he'd have to do is make a new 10second online video of himself, and the terrorists will be laughing for the next 10 years! Also, as Joe pointed out, he might very well have been dead for some time now. There's a chance that the US govt simply staged that whole thing with the Pakistani mansion he was supposedly living in(all the while drinking martinis?), while acquiring his rotting corpse from somewhere else.
I also believe that DELAYING the release of post-mortem information on Osama(his DNA, pics/videos of his corpse, autopsy analysis), could be an effective tactic against the terrorists. Sure, they all deny Osama's death for now, but can you imagine how depressing it will be for his followers, as the US govt SLOWLY releases all the info and proof that Osama is truly dead?
Most importantly, has it occurred to anyone else that maybe the US govt just simply CHOSE to kill Osama at this exact moment? I have a feeling the US govt has always known where Osama might be hiding, simply letting Osama flee wherever, giving them time to suck the resources from the Middle East as much as they could, for about a decade. So, why now? It could be that the timing of Osama's execution would be very convenient..for PRESIDENT OBAMA. After all, his approval ratings are dropping to an all-time low, with the very people who voted for him mostly pissed off that he never kept most of the promises he made to them. Imagine what this "victory" will do for him! It might just be what President Obama needs to get elected for a 2nd term. Everyone may call me a dumb conspiracy theorist, but all I could think while watching the news these past 2 days was that they're painting President Obama as this great American figure, with him having achieved the greatest feat of the decade. After all, his "victory" was supposedly done without help from the allies or the Pakistani govt, with the US military acting on their OWN intel, that they didn't share with anyone else, at the time.
...just had a bin Laden: two shots, and a splash of water...
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