Monday, June 25, 2012

Just When I Though She Has Gotten Her Shit Together...

Now if anything make her even MORE desirable to me is the fact that Mary-Kate Olsen is dating an old man who also happens to be the brother of the ex-president of France - Nicolas Sarkozy. I feel good from Grampa there but I got a bit 'EWWW' for Mary Kate.

Mary-Kate Olsen has had a busy couple of days with her nearest and dearest. On Thursday, Mary-Kate and boyfriend Olivier Sarkozy had a meal in the West Village with his daughter. Mary-Kate, 26, has been seeing 46-year-old Olivier for a few months, and their relationship is reportedly going strong. After their meal, Olivier and Mary-Kate went on a walk with his daughter. You can tell which one Mary-Kate is because she is holding the cigarette.


Albatross said...

I think the reason we get the Ewww feeling is because we still think of Mary Olsen as the toddler in FULL HOUSE. However, she's 26 years old and Olivier Sarkozy is 16 years her senior. That's almost the age difference between my in laws.

Still ewww, huh. :)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Not ew because of the arrangement. Just EW because it's Mary Kate.

Albatross said...

Oh okay. :)