Thursday, June 28, 2012

Still The Queen

I keep saying that this is your Lois Lane. Not only is she a good actress but we will have some motivation behind her being such a ball busting go getter. I imagine that Christiana has always been given full credit for her looks but not her mind, making her even more determined to succeed. Lois Lane is such a character - never feeling that she is being taking seriously. She just walked through everyone who stood in her way to the Daily Planet's newsroom.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'd bow down to Christine any day.

Kal said...

It is as it should be.

david_b said...

I'd drink her bath water.

She IS to be worshipped.

Kal said...

That All-Star Superman role is what cemented the idea in my mind. She would add something strong to the mix. People would GET why Superman would find her so magnificent.