Saturday, June 23, 2012

Will Someone Please Get This Homeless Person A Comb?

I so appreciate the effort she puts into looking pretty in public. Do you think it's a crazy twin thing? I guarantee you that they no longer dress alike. I should appreciate that Mary-Kate is so grubby and full of ennui - it allows me to tell her and her sister apart. Ashley also likes to bathe more than once a week so that is another clue.

If someone tells me she looks this way because 'she's an artist' It will make my head explode. She has the billions to hire someone to wash and dress and make her presentable but she doesn't care cause she thinks its funny or cute or deep to look like a bum in public. At least it's not TWO of them doing this 'walking dead' look.

How happy do you think that their beautiful sister Elizabeth is that she has been able to carve a nice acting career for herself that is totally separate from her two spooky sisters? The Olsen Twins seemed to put out a movie a week back in the day and no one ever knew that another Olsen sister even existed. It's like a gift from the Universe to reward me for the pain I endured as those twins annoyed. Since they were ten they have needed to go away. They wore out their welcome with me real fast.

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