Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Color Me Shocked

Captain Numnut stepped in the shit again. He can't help himself. I could pile on him like most everyone is doing today but it's really too easy for me to bother. His utter failure as a Presidential candidate should be obvious to everyone but the most partisan hillbilly. I just feel so bad for his supporters because they are not going to be very happy for the next four years. I hope they give President Obama some support in his second term but I suspect the Right will only become MORE bitter and hateful towards him.


DrGoat said...

It seems the right has put the the country second and their party first. This is the beginning of a science fiction novel with a bad ending.

Anonymous said...

Romney is the most utterly tone-deaf politician since Spiro Agnew. Of course, it doesn't help that he is running against policies he used to support (e.g. Romneycare, a woman's right to choose). No wonder he finds himself tied in knots like a pretzel!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What is perfectly clear in his unguarded comments "among friends" is the utter contempt in which he holds 47% of American people. I hope this sinks him once and for all.