Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Favorite Kind Of Aquarium

This is a very cool aquarium. So cool, in fact, that it's frozen! This crazy tourist attraction is a frozen aquarium located at Kesennnuma Port in northern Japan.

Octopus, crab and other fish are flash frozen and displayed in large, clear blocks of ice. Aquarium-goers can observe over 450 marine specimens contained in about 50 ice cubes at the aquarium, where room temperature is kept at a very chilly negative 20 degrees Celsius.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those wacky Japanese.

Jordan said...

But they're dead!

It's not an "aquarium," it's a big refrigerator. They might as well encase them in lucite and let everyone take their coats off.

Kal said...

And your point is?

This is the ONLY way to enjoy the creatures of the sea. If they are put in lucite then how can I choose my diner entre?

Jordan said...

All right; I forgot whom I was talking to.