Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Oh Yeh. A Day Devoted To Love, But What If I Had Love? What Do I Do?

This week's Theme - Love
Now as a person who has had remarkable bad luck with the opposite sex, I have nothing but my bitterness to contribute during this stupid Valentine NON-holiday. Who actually has a good time on this upcoming day of love?
Guys work hard to give their girl the WRONG present which gets them none of the special lovin' they are due. The girl has unrealistic expectations and is never satisfied which the gesture that the man makes. No way that a girl ever gives her bf a better present than he gets her.
Sex is not a present because it should not be so rare in a relationship that all the pressure to get some falls on one day in February.
Now an ugly guy like me can pass by this date with my snark to keep me warm. I feel most sorry for the gorgeous girls that I know who deserve some magic to happen to them because they are beautiful and kind and above all, fun.
If this was a movie they would be choosing between Ryan Gosslin and some other handsome young but short actor. -  like they do in ALL the movies made about dating.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

And here I thought I was cynical.

Here's a Valentine's Day card that I drew back when i was starting college.

On the inside it said "You're my ray of sunshine!"

Tempo said...

Thats a bit dark mate, theres someone for everyone on the planet.. At least thats what all those damn happy Valentines people keep saying...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

How do you feel about the male equivalent of Valentine's Day on March 14th? i.e. Steak and a Blowjob Day.

Kal said...

Of course you ladies kept THAT DAY secret from all of us guys so I never know to ask for it on the day in March.

Belle said...

I hated Valentine's Day at school. I was always scared no one would give me one.

Kal said...

It's even worse today when they have you fill out a survey which then allows the computer to match you up with someone in your class or in the school as long as they do the survey too. They made us pay for the sad results which only further alienated a loner like myself. Nothing worse than seeing girls scratch your name off their results even though you matched with them in the high 90%