Wednesday, February 6, 2013

They Chose The Cat!

And dumped the iron. THE IRON??? What kind of digital civilization are we running here when the THIMBLE survives and the flat iron is gone? You humans are all crazy but you are the only humans I have. But REALLY people. Who champions the THIMBLE? What kind of maniac needs to start the game of Monopoly with the social disadvantage of being the thimble? Well I guess I still get to mock the person who chooses the thimble at all future games. I would have hated to lose that.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Much as I love cats, I voted for the diamond ring because it seemed to fit the Monopoly zeitgeist better, y'know?

Kal said...

Cat's rule the Internet and the world. No one understands the importance of zeitgeist like you do.

Nathan said...

So now there's a cat AND a dog? Equal opportunity, I guess.