Friday, February 15, 2013

Why Canada Is WAY COOL

Canadian Astronaut Chris Hatfield lauches nachos around the International Space Station upon which he is the currently the commander. I told you that things would get civilized once we got a Hoser in charge up there. I am sure he had a lot to do with preventing the huge astroid from hitting us today.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's why the astronaut suit looks like a goalie's uniform. To protect us from those slapshot asteroids. Nice save!

Kal said...

You know it was all gonna be okay when they put up a local boy.

M. D. Jackson said...

Except for the one asteroid that slipped through and hist Russia, although knowing Chris (not that I actually know him) if he'd been able to I'm sure he would have tried to divert it to some unpopulated part of Northern Canada, sacrificing part of the tundra to save anyone from getting hurt.