Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Phantom

THE PHANTOM!!! Originally a syndicated newspaper strip, the Phantom has enjoyed comic book success over the years as well. Kit Walker is the latest in a line of men who called themselves the Phantom. There is an Myth in the fiction fictional African country of Bangalla about the Ghost Who Walks. The ghost is a protector of the innocent fighting against all types of injustice including piracy and greed. When a Phantom is dying, his son takes the Oath of the Skull and swears to devote his life to all the tenants of role. The actual oath is, "I swear to devote my life to the destruction of piracy, greed, cruelty, and injustice, in all their forms, and my sons and their sons shall follow me.“ The Phantom has no super powers, although he lest people believe he is immortal and can heal from anything. The Phantom is skilled hand to hand combatant as well as a crack marksman.
Interesting fact that many comic book companies have produced Phantom comics over the past few decades including DC, and Marvel.

First appearance with King Features Syndicate February 1936. Created by Lee Falk.



msmariah said...

I've always felt like 'The Phantom' was an unsung hero...kinda like the Rocketeer. I think you've given me an idea for a female Phantom cosplay costume.

j-swin said...


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

There are not enough female Phantom cosplayers out there.