Sunday, June 10, 2018

A Comment That Turned Into A Rant That Turned Into A Post

It's gotten serious now. I am not fucking around anymore with this Muppet. KIM I can tolerate because he's a fuck up and can't really do any damage to me. But that fucking orange piece of shit has got to go. I don't care how someone does it - JUST FUCKING DO IT and we will all learn to live in a post Trump world. In some way we would all learn to survive the shock. (insert eye roll here)
Think how glorious that time will be. White Supremacists would be hugging Black Panthers and talking about how cool the Black Panther movie was. The world desperately needs a reset right now and that is the only thing big enough to wake us out of this coma we are all  collectively in. He can't win. What little faith I have in humanity would be crushed to dust if he wins. A life of douchebaggery deserves cosmic retribution of the most humiliating kind. I don't want him dead. I want him impotant and powerless ranting and raving in his little room that they set up for him at the mental hospital. On Fridays they let him wear the crown all day if he had a good week.

This experiment is no longer funny. You wanted a bomb thrower and you got just that. Now you owe us all a reprieve from this maniac. Again. I don't care HOW you do it. JUST FUCKING DO IT!


Shlomo Ben Hungstien said...

don't be too hard on trump, he's just following the directive of a higher authority. but i'm not talking about God, ofcourse i'm talking about putin. i hope this doesn't get any worse we're going to Detroit in October and we were planning on doing a day trip across the boarder in Windsor. at this rate our American passports won't get us into Canada.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

FUCK TRUMP. Fuck him in the nose, fuck him in the ear. I hope Kim just snatched him up to be sodomized in some North Korean re-education camp. FUCK TRUMP. If you support that muppet then you are not welcome on our side of the border. The line has to be drawn somewhere. This far and NO further.

DrGoat said...

We are in dark times. This is where America either pushes out madness or it manages to keep winning. The turmoil has just begun I'm afraid.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I feel it man. The Winds of War all over again. I am not going to fight and many young men will die. But I can do a good 'Mercan accent so I could blend and be some kind of cool covert agent for the Liberation.

But now I just outed myself as a possible agent and I could not live amongst the Hillbilly and his Ilk.

DrGoat said...

I think you would do better as as Overseer of operations or something. You must be the center that must hold.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I appreciate your faith in my abilities but it's the civilian polititions that make those decisions.