Friday, June 15, 2018

Badly Designed Russian Prototypes

Chelyabinsk AATV, 1950s. A prototype rear-engined 8-wheel Amphibious All-Terrain Vehicle that has been uncovered in Russia. Russian Beyond reports it was built by the Design Bureau of the Chelyabinsk tractor hydraulics plant in the 1950s.

Those Communists have NO sense of style in their designs. I have been saying it forever that aside from Sputnik, I have yet to see any piece of Soviet tech that doesn't look like it was made in a junk yard. This 'vehicle' is another example of that aesthetic.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, nothing sleek about that, is there?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I would sink right to the bottom of the lake.

DrGoat said...

Looks so Russian. Yeah, that's a boat anchor.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

ha ha ha...I spit my Pepsi. Even the MODEL for this thing sunk.

Green Eagle said...

Hey, you guys, lighten up. The only thing wrong with this vehicle is its color. Imagine how great it would look if it were made of brass. The thing is steampunk decades ahead of its time.