Monday, June 4, 2018

Yeh, We Don't Need Judges. Why Do We Need Trials?

Can you believe this FUCKING MUPPET is your PRESIDENT??? What the fuck are you gonna do now to fix this situation? No really. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO?? The joke is over. The joke is no longer funny. One of you cowardly Hillbillies has to tell the Emperor that he has no cloths. To his FACE. As you are holding his face so that he hears you. Then you slap him in a way that humiliates him as a man. So much so that he challenges you to a duel. Pistols at dawn. He misses but you nail him right between the eyes. Problem SOLVED.

GAH! Do I have to think of EVERYTHING?


DrGoat said...

I really can't even believe this shit anymore. It truly is a very bad episode of the Twilight Zone. We need out of this or it's the end of rationality in the US.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I think my solution would get HUGE ratings. I am willing to volunteer to do the duel if none of you will step up. I owe it to you for the fine movies and tv that you often produce.

DrGoat said...

Well, I just watched the Duellists, that great Ridley Scott movie. I get first try. If I fall, your destiny is to defeat the scoundrels using any method.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The honor is to serve as your second. Can I have two of those little deringer guns under my sleeves in case he tries to pull some bullshit and we have to shoot our way out of there. Oh those are like special taser deringers that are more than one shot. I have the schematics around here somewhere.