Of course someone had to ruin it for me today by reminding me that the Baroness looks alot like Sarah Palin. Of course the ex-mayor of Wasilla, Alaska would join COBRA but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The both even share that same sneer at progressives. I may still do her (the Baroness) but I won't enjoy it as much anymore. And is it wrong for me to find that little leather jumper with buckle just adorable on that picture of her. Just reminds me of a really angry elementary school librarian and I am late with my copy of "My Pet Goat".
(from Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr)
The Palin is much, much more evil than The Baroness. And far, far less competent than Cobra Commander.
I second what Dash says. The Baroness looks more to me like Claudia Christian in that picture, but it doesn't take much to get me from "black leather jumpsuit" to "Claudia Christian."
Sorry the wife mentioned it, and sorry I passed it along. First I leave Milla out of the eyes post, now this. I fear I am letting you down :-(
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